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Macro UX | Blog 3

作家相片: Tracie YangTracie Yang



We did some research on how to realize the music part of our idea.

Music List:

Ave Maria (Bach)

Flow into the river (piano & violin)


1 Different instrument playing the same melody


Find the same song with different instruments and combine them together.

2 Different instruments play different parts in a concert


Find tutorials of single instruments on youtube and combine them together.

Final Plan

We chose the second plan. When someone passing by, one instrument starts to play. When more people passing by, more instruments start to play and more melody come out.


- Music Part

I used Ave Maria from Bach to test our plan. I found video tutorials of separate instruments on Youtube and played them together using different devices. The outcome of the test was good.

- Gramophone

Nancy and Lulu found a tutorial of making gramophone on the internet. So we planned to make the gramophones according to the tutorial.

Then, we discussed how to realise our idea.

We were thinking of using Arduino to detect people and make some model of horn in the 3D workshop. So we went to the CTL and asked about how to calculate people and cut our first version of the horn.

Technical Consulting

Then Thursday, we went to Guildhall School and have an interview with the music tutor there.

We met Seth at Guildhall School. He is a tutor from Electronic Department in Guildhall School.

During the interview, he recommended us the process and the software to use ( garage band & max ).

Specific Plan

So we got a specific plan.

1 Find midi format music online.

Concert music with separate instruments.

2 Use garage band to transform midi format to mp3 format.

3 Use programming to play the mp3 format documents according to the number of people on the bridge.

4 Make the horn and put them all together.

Separate Work

So we separate our work.

Winnie was responsible for garage band music. I was responsible for realising the coding stuff. Nancy and Lulu were responsible for making the horn.

At first, I was thinking of using Arduino sensors to detect people and calculate. Then I asked Ed in CTL, he suggested me to use p5js and use PoseNet and webcam to calculate people.


During the week, Winnie found all the midi format document we need and transferred them into mp3 format.

I input all these documents into the code and finished the code part with Ed's help and advice. At the meantime, Lulu and Nancy made four horns together.


Since p5js is coding online, we should think of other solutions so that we don't need to bring the computer with the installation. Maybe Raspberry Pi would work.



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