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Micro UX | Blog 4

作家相片: Tracie YangTracie Yang



Lili Carol Zoe Tracie


In 1962, the first communication satellite was launched. Since then, the satellite has brought people new ways to communicate with the world, such as television, radio, internet and so on. It shortens the emotional distance between people and also shortens the emotional distance between people and places.

According to a recent research (Gallup World Poll), 1.1 billion people, or one-quarter of the earth’s adults, want to move temporarily to another country in the hope of finding more profitable work. The world is becoming a homesick world

An additional 630 million people would like to move abroad permanently.

So/therefore, we want to use satellite to help homesick people build a real-time relationship with their hometown.


We focus on nostalgia and immersive experiences that could evoke emotional responses through sensorial stimulation.

Why Radio?


Introduction to our project

Homesick Radio - Home Page

World Radio Map

Personal Radio Station

Build personal online radio station
Build personal music
Record sound from Radio
Edit sound piece
Upload personal music to Worldwide Homesick Radio or Share with friends

Future Plan

  • Interactive installation---City Memory

This project will build on an ongoing exploration of the collaborative potential in using real-time sound player installation (The "Homesick Station") to engage people to interact with it.

It may provide an emotional channel that allows everyone to listen to different "echoes". And the echoes are the music or stories created through the people who are far away from home. People can have a Music Collaboration off-line by uploading different city sounds to the installation in our future plan.



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